Queanbeyan Baptist Church Psalm
for 33rd Church Anniversary 2003
Come, all you people; let us praise the Lord together for all His faithfulness.
Thank you, Lord, for those to whom You gave the vision to begin this fellowship.
Thank you for the commitment and perseverance which resulted in the provision of this property and these buildings.
Your faithfulness, O God, has established this church on a firm foundation.
Praise the Lord.
Thank you for those who have ministered in pastoral care, preaching, and leadership; thank you for the many people who have shared in the life of this fellowship, and have given freely of their time, their resources, and their gifts to help build this part of the body of Christ.
In your faithfulness, O God, you have supplied all our needs out of your infinite riches.
Praise the Lord.
Thank you for your Spirit who dwells within us, teaching us your ways, leading us into truth and on to maturity.
Thank you for open doors of ministry to our community, and for lives changed through the transforming power of the gospel.
In your faithfulness, O God, you have heard and answered the prayers of your people.
Praise the Lord.
Where will you lead us in the years ahead? Will we listen for the voice of your Spirit? Will we follow for the sake of your kingdom, praising your name with our every breath?
Your faithfulness, O God, endures for ever, sustaining us when we falter. We commit ourselves and our future into your gracious and loving hands.
Praise the Lord.