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QBC History

In 1966 Les and Harriet Stein held a meeting in their home at Molonglo St. Bungendore to decide to form a Baptist Fellowship, Sunday School and Boy's Brigade in Queanbeyan,


Shortly thereafter services and Sunday School began in a home setting.


The members of the group were Mr.& Mrs. L. Stein, Mr. & Mrs. B. Gaul, Mr.& Mrs. T. Dawson, Mr. & Mrs. H. Leake and Mr.& Mrs. Horswell.


Mr. Les Stein, Mr. Brian Gaul and Mr. Harry Leake undertook training as Boy's Brigade Officers at 2nd. Canberra Company at Kingston. All qualified. Mrs. Ivy Gaul and Mrs. Dorothy Leake also trained as Boy's Brigade Officers and qualified.


As the Sunday School grew the use of a hall was sought and the Queanbeyan Masonic Lodge offered the use of their hall until a church building could be found.


The Boy's Brigade was formed and became a Platoon of 2nd Canberra Company.


The Blue Cottage at No.1 Munro Rd. was purchased in December 1967 and with monies from The Baptist Centenary Loan Fund the cottage was renovated and a front porch added and a new toilet block was built. The furnishings for the Church were donated by local and N.S.W. Baptist Families.


The new premises were opened and dedicated on Sunday 28th. July 1968 by Rev. A. H. Patino of the Goulburn Baptist Church. An attendance of over 200 were present. The Secretary was Mr. Ted Dawson and the Sunday School Superintendent was Mr. Les Stein


The Queanbeyan Baptist Church was officially formed and Constituted at 2.30 pm on 23rd. May, 1970 by Rev. E. H. Watson Lth. President Elect of The Baptist Union of New South Wales.


The Foundation Members were, Mr. &. Mrs. W. Rein, Mr. & Mrs. L. Stein Mr.& Mrs. B. Gaul, Mr. & Mrs. E. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. H. Leake Mr. & Mrs. C. Love, and Mrs. Szadony.


The Pastor was Rev. W. Rein, Secretary Mr. C. Love and Treasurer Mr. L. Stein.


A General Business Meeting of Foundation Members was held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 27th. May, 1970. This meeting agreed to request affiliation with the Baptist Union of New South Wales, adopted a Constitution and elected Officers of the Church. The Constitution was prepared by Mr. C. Love, Mr. B. Gaul and Mr. L. Stein from documents supplied by The Baptist Union of New South Wales.


In 1970, the cottage at No.3 Munro Rd. was purchased for a Manse.


In 1972 Mrs. Enid Daniel a fully trained Girl's Brigade Officer, Mrs. Jean Wright (formerly Pritchard) and Mrs. Millie Daniel commenced a Girl's Brigade which because of financial problems became known as The Queanbeyan Girl's Christian Fellowship.


On the 19th. July, 1975 the new Youth Hall was opened by Rev. Roger Ellem. Rev. R. Pope officially opened the door to the New Youth Hall.


In 1978 the church services were transferred to the Youth Hall.


In 1983 a new Manse was purchased at 131 Stornaway Rd. leaving the cottage at 3 to 5 Munro Rd. for Sunday School and Church activities.


In 1985 it was decided to make extensions to the Youth Hall so as to conform in appearance to a church and to add a new toilet, Pastors Vestry and entrance foyer. This work was supervised by the then Pastor Rev. W. Bartlett.


The extensions were completed and officially opened and dedicated on the 15th. June, 1986, by Rev. F. P. McMaster, then President of the A.C.T. Baptist Association. Greetings were brought by Mr. Derek Butterfield, Secretary of the A.C.T. Baptist Association.


In 1988 Rev.& Mrs. Bartlett moved to the Molong Baptist Church and Rev John Bint was inducted as Pastor in 1989.


(Prepared by Mr Brian Gaul and Mr. Cecil Love. 12th. October, 1999.)




1969 - 1973

1974 - 1976

1979 - 1983

1983 - 1988

1989 - 1994

1995 - 1998

1999 - Present


Phillip Andrew

Bruce Dipple

Rev. W. Rein

Derek Sanders

Mark Jenner

Rev. W. Bartlett

Rev. J. Bint

Rev. R. Ellis

Rev. P. Junor


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