Pastor - Rev. Peter Junor OAM
My name is Peter Junor and I was called to be the pastor of this congregation in January
You don’t need to go to far before you observed that the world is a rapidly changing place.
Very little can be taken for granted any more. Government leaders are facing a boggling
array of decisions on issues that even our Grandparents’ generation could never have
imagined in their wildest dreams. I believe that God’s people have a great deal to contribute
in these times, and none of it consists of going back to the “good old days”! What is needed
is to bring the timeless love, compassion and forgiveness of Jesus into tangible expression in
the world of here and now. This is true worship.
The Queanbeyan Baptist Church is a fellowship on a journey. Like all journeys, it has been
marked by high and low points, grand achievements and, well… a few times of failure.
Nevertheless it has been a story of gradual growth and maturity now extending back over
more than fifty years. We share great fellowship with our sister Christian churches in
Queanbeyan, each denomination respecting and valuing the variety and diversity of worship,
each tradition brings with it.
I have found a group of Baptist people in Queanbeyan who are genuine about serving the
community around about them and in the last few years have found a variety of ways to
express what it means to be God’s people in this town. That has not been a journey for the
faint hearted! But one in which together we have grown and are growing, making our mistakes, and celebrating our (sometimes unexpected) successes. To date, we have not found any reasonable explanation as to why size should inhibit the capacity of a congregation to touch its local community!
As the pastor, it is not my desire to “spoon feed” a group of Respectable, Decent people. Rather, it is to foster a caring community of responsive, devoted disciples of Jesus committed living out the life that God has called them to in practical loving ways, whatever the circumstances they find themselves in. That involves taking risks and abandoning typical understandings of safety and security in favour of a life lived in faith.
It is our desire to see this congregation foster strong and healthy disciples; healing those who are wounded, encouraging each to take up their responsibilities that Jesus has called them to, and furnishing creative space for who desire to find opportunities to express (and discover) the nature of God’s calling on their lives.
Having said this, I am also pleased to say that our congregation is not populated by a team of spiritual super heros! We are ordinary, everyday people who receive their share of the ups and downs common to all.
I warmly welcome you to come and join with us!